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About Me

Hello! My name is Marie!​


I have been doing photography since high school, going on about 7 years now. I studied American Sign Language for a couple of years, became bilingual, and came right back to my passion: capturing beautiful moments with my camera.


My work in photography started with a digital camera and I have since learned how to shoot with film, develop said film, and print in a dark room, using both a Pentax and a Holga. But as much as I adore working in the dark room, my preferred camera is my Canon Rebel.


I've done several personal projects in a studio, photographed a few weddings and sporting events, weekly work at events and meetups with my local fashion community, acted as the main photographer at a Japanese Fashion Show at A-Kon, and frequently photograph my favorite folk singer at her concerts. 


As a photographer, my goal is to capture the personality and spirit of the subject in a photo. I only lightly edit my photos, for lighting and small blemishes, but never change the people. My aim is to show and highlight the beauty that already exist in the person.

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